Get in touch

How we can help

If your business would benefit from experienced, knowledgeable support with professional marketing, medical professional recruitment, concierge and support services for students and businesses seeking to study or work in the UK from South East Asia. In that case, we are just the people to help. Our extensive experience in South East Asia supports businesses and students looking for opportunities or relocation to the United Kingdom.


  • We provide marketing services that deliver our clients outstanding results.
  • We enable companies to recruit the talent they need.
  • We provide high-calibre overseas students with UK-based education.
  • We build your business a marketing strategy for success!

Visit us by appointment at:

Chua Professional Marketing Services
Bentinck House
3-8 Bolsover Street
London W1W 6AB

Contact our team

We would love to hear from you.

You can reach us easily by completing some brief details below. A member of our team will be in touch shortly.